How to use Ocearch Shark Tracker app (Complete Guide)?

The shark tracker app is designed by OCEARCH. OCEARCH is a data-centric organization that helps to collect precious data about the ocean for researchers to help them attain valuable information and understand vital things about them.

Their mission is to turn oceans into a state of balance. They are collaborating with individuals and organizations all throughout the world for this purpose. OCEARCH conducts various research expeditions. They have an M/V OCEARCH sea laboratory with a 75,000 lb capacity.

What is shark tracker app?

best ocearch shark tracker app download

So far, OCEARCH has conducted about 37 expeditions with 200 researchers on board and published 55 research papers. It strictly adheres to the protocols of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC) of the collaborative institutions regarding the capture, release, tagging, handling, and sampling of marine animals. 

One of the unique offerings of OCEARCH is the Shark Tracker app. This app is capable of tracking sharks and other marine life along with their migration pathways with the help of innovative satellite tracking technology.

App features

  • The app has an intuitive interface.
  • The app helps to track sharks and other marine animals in real-time.
  • The app helps to understand the migratory patterns of the sharks.
  • It shows a real-time map of the tagged animals.
  • The Shark Tracker app also displays the distance of the sharks and marine animals from the user.
  • Users can also see the latest pings via location tracking.
  • Users can also receive updates from the institution and other community members.

How to use shark tracker app?

Sharks are vital to the oceans, so OCEARCH facilitates researchers to collect groundbreaking data about sharks, their body biology, and their migration patterns. The app can be found on Google Play and the App Store and can be downloaded. After the app is installed, then users have to create an account to begin tracking sharks and other marine animals with the app.

How to do great white shark tracking?

All you have to do is just launch the app on your smartphone, log in, and then begin tracking the sharks through the app.

How does shark tracker app work?

The sharks and other marine animals are caught with the help of handlines and then they are brought to the submerged platforms of the M/V OCEARCH vessel. After this, the animals are tagged with the help of veterinarians and research teams. For tagging, SPOT, acoustic, accelerometers are used and the morphometrics are recorded. Further, the tracking is done with the help of satellites.


Does shark tracker app works?

Yes, shark tracker apps work with the help of state-of-the-art satellite tracking technology.

What is the best shark tracker app?

The best app to track sharks in the ocean is the Shark Tracker app by OCEARCH.

Is there an app to track sharks?

Yes, there is a smartphone application to track shark migrations and other marine animals.

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